legal info

Legal information
CB Law B.V.
Keizersgracht 520H
1017 EK Amsterdam
T: +31 (0)85 004 5454
F: +31 (0)85 401 4977
Legal form, services, trade register and VAT numbers

CB Law B.V. is a private company with limited liability, with its registered office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and registered in the trade register of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 83610898. CB Law B.V. provides a comprehensive range of legal services, as described on our website The VAT number of CB Law B.V. is NL862933821B01.

Terms and conditions, applicable law and competent court

The general terms and conditions of CB Law B.V. that have been filed with the registry of the District Court of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and are included on our website, apply to all legal relationships. The terms and conditions are also provided free of charge upon request. The aforementioned legal relationships are governed by Dutch law and disputes are exclusively settled by the competent court of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.


If you are not satisfied with our services, we encourage you to let your advisor know. If you do not feel comfortable doing so, or if this does not lead to the desired effect, please contact the Complaints Officer of CB Law B.V. by sending an email to Our Complaints Officer will process your complaint in accordance with our Office Complaints Regulation.

Data protection

We may process personal data in the performance of our assignment as legal advisor. Given our independent role, we qualify as a controller within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation. This means that we are independently responsible for our processing of personal data in the performance of our tasks. Our use of personal data for relationship purposes and in the context of our website and online tools is governed by the privacy and cookie policy on our website.

Client identification obligations

Pursuant to the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act, among other things, CB Law B.V. is required to establish a client’s identity before providing services and, under certain circumstances, to report unusual transactions to the competent authorities without notifying the client. For questions regarding these legal requirements, please contact your advisor or consult the website of the Dutch Financial Supervision Office (Bureau Financieel Toezicht) for more information.

Mandatory disclosure of reportable cross-border arrangements – DAC6

On May 25, 2018, the Council of the European Union adopted a directive with the aim of discouraging intermediaries and taxpayers from devising and implementing aggressive cross-border tax arrangements and increasing transparency with regard to these arrangements (Directive (EU) 2018/822 or DAC6). Under DAC6, information on reportable cross-border arrangements that meet certain essential characteristics (the so-called ‘hallmarks’) must be reported to the tax authorities. Reportable cross-border arrangements are then automatically exchanged with tax authorities of other EU Member States via a centralized database. The notification obligation applies in the first place to (auxiliary) intermediaries, who are defined as ‘anyone who invents, offers, sets up, makes available for implementation or manages the implementation of a cross-border arrangement subject to notification, including persons who know or could reasonably have known have undertaken to provide assistance or advice in connection with the aforesaid services’. Depending on the assignment and the nature of the work, CB Law B.V. may qualify as an (auxiliary) intermediary in certain cases.

General Terms & Conditions:
Office Complaints Regulation:
Privacy & Cookie Policy: